Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wonders never cease

Greetings Comradettes and Comrades,
This has to be the easiest "sign-in" these three brain cells have ever stumbled n' done. I am very grateful to whoever set this up and made it easy enough for a 3 brain celled martian to stumble through.

If possible, could someone explain what the "round table" is about, if I have that right, or if I have a right to knowing?

Thanks for the invite. I'll be praying for a positive and productive future for us all and what may come. Guess I'll find out if this luck will continue by seeing if this gets posted?;~}

Take Care,
Robert, aka Gerry...aka,

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Welcome to all!

We have a BLOG... !!! I took the liberty of naming it! The new acronym is TBI COPS!!!

Have some fun! The members of the blog are the group that was invited to the initial roundtable. Others may be invited to become members by any member. So outreach begins here!!

I have the ability to moderate comments by non-members just in case there needs to be moderation..The one's from members will not be moderated so keep in mind this is a positive, proactive outreach program!!

Again, thank you all for yesterday..see emailed message below!

I am so pleased with yesterdays outcome that I get chills! I watched the whole DVD already and I did not fast forward once...I will watch it MANY, MANY more times to create the final copy.

I was not looking for the accolades but I sure did appreciate the kind words. Our sincere appreciation and respect for each other comes through loud and clear. I am proud to be a part of the team.

Best regards,


Welcome to the blog!!!!!